Elisabeth HujanenAge: 35 years1790–1825
- Name
- Elisabeth Hujanen
- Given names
- Elisabeth
- Surname
- Hujanen
Birth | November 28, 1790 42 32 |
Birth of a sister | Walborg Hujanen 1800 (Age 9 years) |
Death of a mother | Anna Huttunen?Huttuin from December 18, 1816 to 26 (Age 26 years) |
Death of a brother | Nils “Niilo” Hujanen June 1, 1824 (Age 33 years) |
Death | December 15, 1825 (Age 35 years) |
Family with parents |
father |
Gabriel Olofsson Hujanen Birth: 1748 47 47 — Pielavesi |
mother |
Anna Huttunen?Huttuin Birth: 1758 — Viita Death: from December 18, 1816 to 26 — Viita 3 |
Marriage: June 24, 1780 — |
22 months elder brother |
Nils “Niilo” Hujanen Birth: April 18, 1782 34 24 — Viita 3 Death: June 1, 1824 |
3 years elder brother |
Olof Abraham Gabrielsson Hujanen Birth: December 17, 1784 36 26 — Viita 3 Death: January 6, 1833 — Viita |
3 years elder brother |
Johan Hujanen Birth: October 1, 1787 39 29 — Viita |
3 years herself |
Elisabeth Hujanen Birth: November 28, 1790 42 32 — Viita 3 Death: December 15, 1825 |
10 years younger sister |
Walborg Hujanen Birth: 1800 52 42 — Viita 3 |