Reinhold JeltschAge: 24 years1920–1944
- Name
- Reinhold Jeltsch
- Given names
- Reinhold
- Surname
- Jeltsch
Birth | October 22, 1920 36 |
Birth of a sister | Martha Jeltsch January 13, 1922 (Age 14 months) |
Death | October 28, 1944 (Age 24 years) |
Family with parents |
father |
Reinhold Jeltsch Birth: October 1, 1884 — Neu-Limburg/Błota (Brieg/Brzeg), Germany/Poland Death: March 1961 — Iserlohn |
mother | |
sister |
Private |
elder brother |
Robert Jeltsch Birth: July 12, 1911 26 — Neu-Limburg/Błota (Brieg/Brzeg), Germany/Poland Death: November 9, 1966 — Spittwitz |
sister |
Private |
himself |
Reinhold Jeltsch Birth: October 22, 1920 36 — Neu-Limburg/Błota (Brieg/Brzeg), Germany/Poland Death: October 28, 1944 |
15 months younger sister |
Martha Jeltsch Birth: January 13, 1922 37 — Neu-Limburg/Błota (Brieg/Brzeg), Germany/Poland Death: April 27, 1947 — Bielefeld |